Jianwei (John)_Miao

Jianwei (John) Miao

Jianwei (John) Miao is a professor of physics and astronomy at UCLA. In 1999, he performed the seminal experiment of extending X-ray crystallography to allow structural determination of non-crystalline specimens, which is known as coherent diffractive imaging (CDI), lensless, or computational microscopy. CDI methods such as ptychography and Bragg CDI have been broadly implemented using synchrotron radiation, X-ray free electron lasers, high harmonic generation, optical lasers, and electrons. Another important field that Miao has pioneered is atomic electron tomography (AET). In 2012, he led a team that first demonstrated AET at 2.4 Å resolution without assuming crystallinity or averaging. He and collaborators have since performed several groundbreaking AET experiments and recently developed 4D AET to observe crystal nucleation at atomic resolution, showing early stage nucleation results not consistent with classical nucleation theory.


  • Thumbnail for Nanoscale Tomography Using X-rays and Electrons
    April 22, 2020
    Three-dimensional (3D) tomographic imaging, using x-rays or electrons, of the structural, chemical, and physical properties of a material provides key knowledge that links the structure of a material to its processing, which is central to studies across a broad spectrum of materials…


    Speaker Image for Huolin Xin
    University of California, Irvine


    Speaker Image for Yijin Liu
    Stanford University
    Speaker Image for Robert Hovden
    University of Michigan
    Standard Price
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