Marco Sebastiani PhD

Dr. Marco Sebastiani received a PhD in mechanical and industrial engineering in 2008 from university of Rome “Roma TRE”, studying the design and nano-mechanical behavior of thin multi-layered coatings for advanced mechanical applications, with prof. Edoardo Bemporad.

He was then appointed as an assistant professor of Materials Science at the university of “Roma TRE”, working on the development of innovative methodologies for residual stress assessment in thin films and small scale devices, by the use of Focused Ion Beam (FIB) and nanoindentation techniques.

He is lecturer of Materials Science and Engineering for Bioengineering at the university of “Roma TRE” and has been advisor or co-advisor of about ten master/bachelor degree theses.

He is an expert in the research fields of thin films technology, residual stress analysis in nanostructured or amorphous materials and nano-mechanical characterization of small-scale structures and micro-devices, as confirmed by the achieved results in and awards here summarized:

  • the award of a Faculty Position as assistant professor (RTD) at university of “Roma TRE”, which was renewed in 2014;
  • the role of Coordinator and Principal Investigator of the large collaborative project ISTRESS (, FP7-NMP-2013-LARGE-7, Grant Agreement N. 604646, starting Jan 1st 2014);
  • the award of a Fulbright Research Scholarship which is being performed at the university of Tennessee-Knoxville (USA), March to August 2014;
  • the publication of 48 papers on high-impact international journals with an h-index of 11 and more than 315 citations (Scopus: author ID: 7005846216);
  • Two best paper Awards at international conferences (ICACC 2007 and ITSC 2009)
    Invitations to be member of the organizing committees of International Conferences and Meetings (among them: ICMCTF 2013, ICMCTF 2014 and NANOMEASURE 2014);
  • Member of the Editorial Board of “Surface Engineering” (peer reviewed journal, IF 1.6);
  • Invitations as reviewer for International Journals (more than 30 reviews up to now);
