Using Large Language Models for Accelerating Materials Research - MRS Tutorial Preview

Date: August 29, 2024

Time: 12:00PM - 01:30PM

You must be registered to participate!


Tutorial DS04—Using Large Language Models for Accelerating Materials Research was presented at the Fall 2023 MRS Meeting. This webinar will overview the material presented in these tutorials and provide a sampling of the content. Attendees will have access to the full recorded tutorials after the webinar.

In this tutorial, attendees were introduced to leveraging large language models (LLMs) for accelerating materials research.

The Cohere platform was used as an exemplar access point to leveraging the capabilities of large language models, including:

Grounding responses against scientific facts or documents
Querying a LLM with followup questions about a scientific document
Probing the reasoning and level of consistency in LLMs
Using LLMs to “glue” together pieces of research software
Extracting and transforming data from scientific sources

This tutorial preview includes direct natural language interfaces with models, as well as API-driven programmatic interfaces with models.