Ultrawide-bandgap (UWBG) semiconductor technology is presently going through a renaissance exemplified by advances in material-level understanding, extensions of known concepts to new materials, novel device concepts, and new applications. The December, 2021 focus issue of the Journal of Materials Research presents a timely selection of papers spanning the current state of the art in UWBG materials and applications, including both experimental results and theoretical developments. It covers broad research subtopics on UWBG bulk crystals and substrate technologies, UWBG defect science and doping, UWBG epitaxy, UWBG electronic and optoelectronic properties, and UWBG power devices and emitters.
This webinar features talks from four of the authors whose work is presented in the JMR issue. Each talk will be followed by a Question and Answer session with that author.
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Inversion-type p-channel diamond MOSFET issues
Norio Tokuda, Kanazawa University
Experimental Hall electron mobility of bulk single crystals of
transparent semiconducting oxides
Zbigniew Galazka, Leibniz-Institut für Kristallzüchtung
A comprehensive review on the effects of local microstructures and nanoscale chemical features on B-III-nitride films
Baishakhi Mazumder, University at Buffalo (UB) - the State University of New York
Theoretical characterization and computational discovery of ultra-wide-band-gap semiconductors with predictive atomistic calculations
Emmanouil Kioupakis, University of Michigan