This page is for informational purposes only. For the full legal privacy policy, visit the Privacy Policy page.

Digitell Inc. FAQs

The goal of the BroadcastMed. (“BroadcastMed”) DXP privacy center is to educate all potential users of the site on how their personal data will be collected and processed and help users to understand their rights as it relates to their personal data.

Additionally, it is important for users of the DXP platform to understand the relationship between BroadcastMed and Materials Research Society as it relates to the creation of this site, and how user data is processed and handled.

This summary sets out the key points about how BroadcastMed handles personal information collected through the DXP platform. More information can be found in the main BroadcastMed Privacy Policy.

DXP is a software platform that was created by BroadcastMed. The platform is licensed by organizations (clients) looking to provide an online educational portal to meet their users needs. If you are reading this, you are currently on an instance of the DXP platform.

BroadcastMed is a services company that services associations and organizations with recording content, live streaming content, webinars, evaluations and accreditation, distribution of on demand content, self-paced educational course, and other digital content needs. BroadcastMed created the DXP platform to provide an online portal that meets our clients needs in the above mentioned areas and more.

Materials Research Society has licensed DXP to provide their users an online digital experience portal. Materials Research Society is the data controller as it relates to all user data captured and processed on this site. BroadcastMed is the data processor of the user data. BroadcastMed will only process user data in relation to the BroadcastMed Privacy Policy and in accordance with how Materials Research Society requests data be processed under contractual agreement with BroadcastMed and the Materials Research Society.

Each client’s instance of the DXP platform is slightly different depending on the needs of the client. However, below is standard information that is captured.

  • Account Creation fields that are required
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Email
    • Password *
      * If an instance of DXP is using a single sign on integration with the client’s membership database then BroadcastMed does not store the users’ password.
  • Extended Profile Data

    Some instances of DXP are configured to require additional Profile data that may include:

    • Prefix
    • Suffix
    • Credentials
    • Job Title
    • Employer
    • Phone
    • Address
    • City
    • State
    • Country
    • Zip Code

    If a site does not require extended profile data during account creation, such data may be gathered in the following ways.

    1. If the site is utilizing a single sign on integration with the client’s existing user management platform, ie; AMS, LMS, etc., additional user profile data may be extracted from the single sign on integration and populate the profile data fields on the DXP site.
    2. If a user registers for an event on the DXP site certain registration fields filled out during registration may populate profile data fields. For instance, selecting your country during event registration may populate your account profiles country field.
    3. Under the “My Account” area of the DXP platform you can choose to enter extended profile data at any time.

  • Evaluation and Survey Data

    The DXP platform allows clients to create Evaluations, Surveys and Tests associated with educational content, and events that users participate in while they use the site. Many times, taking an evaluation, survey or test is a requirement to receive accreditation for an activity. Data from forms submitted by users is saved into the DXP database and linked to the users main account.

  • Registration Information

    The DXP platform allows clients to create event pages that require registration. The event page could be used to register users for a physical event, or an online event such as a webinar or hybrid live stream. The registration data entered during registration is entered into the DXP database and linked to the users main account.

The data collected when a person uses an DXP site is used to facilitate the services and functionality of the site. This may include but is not limited to

  • Viewing Educational Content
  • Participating in an online event such as a webinar or live stream
  • Interacting with other users via Discussion forums
  • Obtaining Continuing Education credit

BroadcastMed will only share user data with third parties if the sharing of data is necessary for the functionality of the service provided. For example, if a user registers to attend a webinar via the DXP platform, and the webinar is hosted on a third party’s webinar platform user data such as Name and Email may be passed to the third party through an integration.

A user can update most of their personal information via their My Account area of the site. In the case where personal information is not editable under the My Account area please contact

BroadcastMed will provide your personal data in a machine-readable format upon request. Please send a request to

BroadcastMed keeps your personal data only as long as necessary to provide you with the services offered on and for legitimate and essential business purposes, complying with legal obligations, and resolving disputes.

If you request, BroadcastMed will delete or anonymize your personal data so that it no longer identifies you, unless, BroadcastMed is legally allowed or required to maintain certain personal data, including situations such as the following:

  • If there is an unresolved issue relating to your account, such as an outstanding credit on your account or an unresolved claim or dispute BroadcastMed will retain the necessary personal data until the issue is resolved;
  • Where BroadcastMed is required to retain personal data for legal, tax, audit, and accounting obligations, BroadcastMed will retain the necessary personal data for the period required by applicable law; and/or,
  • Where necessary for BroadcastMed’s legitimate business interests such as fraud prevention or to maintain the security of users.